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Luke Benjamen Kuhns is a graduate of the University of Manchester where he studied Theology. Luke is an experienced musician and lyricist where for a time Luke served as head writer on several music endeavors. He grew up in a small town in Indiana, USA where he spent hours creating worlds of fiction in short story and poetic form. Luke is a great lover of literature and considers C.S. Lewis, J.R.R Tolkien, Robert Lewis Stevenson, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to be his biggest creative inspiration. He currently resides in London where he enjoys being in the heart of the British Empire which is home to many of his favourite stories.

He is author of The Untold Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes & The Case of the Crystal Blue Bottle - A Graphic novel, is a contributing author to Sherlock’s Home The Empty House and A Guide to Deduction and creator of The Hitchhikers Guide to the UK blog.


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